
Posts Tagged ‘“Not Wanted On The Voyage”’

Morgan Karr is another one of our next generation actors to keep your eyes on. He has a powerful voice, personality and a great stage presence! From Broadway, Off-Broadway and Regional shows to concert performances, Morgan Karr is the man about town.  He’s performed in Broadway’s “Spring Awakening,” Off-Broadway’s “Everyday Rapture,” and the Fringe Festival hit “VOTE! The Musical.” Regionally, he has been seen in “All Shook Up” at the Ogunquit Playhouse, “Green Eyes” at Theatre Building of Chicago, and American Music Theatre Project’s productions of “The Boy in the Bubble,” “The Boys Are Coming Home,” “Not Wanted On The Voyage,” Andrew Lippa’s “The Wild Party,” and “Edges.” His one-man show “Morgan Karr: An Awfully Big Adventure” sold out Joe’s Pub. Morgan was also part of fellow “Adaumbelle’s Quest” participant’s Ryan Scott Oliver’s sold out show “Rated RSO: The Music of Ryan Scott Oliver.” Catch Morgan rocking it out on Sunday, March 28 at 7pm at the Metropolitan Room in Bobby Cronin’sNot The Same: The Music of Bobby Cronin” (fellow “Adaumbelle’s Quest” participant) and with Anne Fraser Thomas on March 30 at 11pm at Bartini in New York City (642 10th Avenue, between 45th & 46th Street)! For more on Morgan, be sure to check out his website: http://www.morgankarr.com.

1. Who inspired you to become a performer? My grandfather continues to be my inspiration every day. I’m living the dream he wasn’t allowed to pursue. He was never encouraged to follow his dream. I’m so lucky to have my grandfather’s support, and every day I think about him and he inspires me. My family is a huge source of inspiration.

2. What is the highest and lowest note you can sing? I’ve never really sat down to figure this out. I know it gets pretty ugly when I try to actually sing low. I get scared when I see a low note on a piece of music haha. And as for how high I can sing? I’m not scared to find out if I can or can’t sing a note… so I just go for it. And it usually works out. Sometimes, however… it CAN be a hit or miss game haha.

3. Who is the one person you haven’t worked with that you would like to? There is a laundry list of people I’d love to work with. I’m a sponge when it comes to soaking up wisdom and stories from seasoned veterans! Watching Sherie Rene Scott, for example, during EVERYDAY RAPTURE was a master class every day. I’m also just starting out with my career so the list of people I WANT to work with… is miles longer than the people I HAVE worked with.

4. If you could dream about anyone while you sleep, who would it be? I don’t dream about people. I dream about adventures.

5. Favorite way to stay in shape? Walking in NYC on a spring day.

6. Boxers or Briefs? Boxer Briefs.

7. Favorite singer/musician? Stevie Wonder meets Ben Folds meets Luther Vandross meets Whitney Houston meets Dave Matthews Band.

8. Favorite quote? Be who you are and say what you feel…. because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind!

9. Favorite Website? http://www.iloveegg.com/egg_english.htm.

10. Superman or Wonder Woman? SUPERMAN. If you know one thing about me… know that Superman has a big place in my heart.


11. Favorite ride at an amusement park? The Superman ride at Six Flags. original huh???

12. Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts? Tanto Dulce Cafe up in Harlem. Best coffee in the world with RAW SUGAR!! OOOOOOHHHh so good!

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